the necessity of speed universe, and games of race all over the world, have changed in order always with the release of Underground. Going away from the supercar exotic of first you are tito them, has concentrated a lot on race clandestine illegal and the market Import Tuner, that he had grown in esponenziale way in popolarità with l' escape of the film of succeeding like The Fast and the Furious. Something that no Underground advised never thought that a game Need for Speed would be: a weft. Un' other innovation has been the possibility for the players to personalize completely own car with the modernizations of marks with l' outside or under the cowling. Un' other characteristic new is that all the contests have been carried out of night in an anonymous city that seemed a composite of various American local versions. New modalities of enclosed game Drag, Circuit, and the Drifting, a challenge that has not involved obtaining the better time on the turn. In the attempt to discourage the illegal race of road, the game is begun with a need of persons with for producing Speed Marc De Vellis warning players in order to maintain their extreme guide in their consul of game.
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